Motherhood is an expansion of your identity so it looks as unique as you do. Today (and every day) we celebrate the diverse ways you show up every. day. for your families. And just remember, you’re doing a good job because of who you are.
We talked with five Zoe mamas to celebrate the different paths they carved in motherhood and to inspire us all to do the same.
Meet Morgan: Las Vegas Mom of three
"Seeing what I am capable of doing has really strengthened me and grown my confidence in myself"
Meet Leah: Richmond, TX Personal Trainer and mom of five
"The fact that you're even worried about being a good mom means that you are, because you care"
Meet Lexi: Indiana Registered Nurse and mom of three (with a fourth on the way!)
"There is so much noise around us as moms and I’ve learned that the best thing for my babies is when I quiet the noise and I listen to my soul and my mom gut"
Meet Emily: Whitefish, MT ER Doctor and mom of two
"I've learned that it is more important to do small things often than focus on grand gestures as I try to prioritize my kids and family"
Meet Melissa: LA mom of four
"I've learned to take time to be present in the moment, to delight in the little things, to laugh more, and just enjoy relationships"