Baby Safety 101: Stroller Edition

Child Safety Advocate, Dani Morin, shares stroller safety best practices – some of it may seem obvious, but when life gets busy it’s easy to forget simple things that can help keep your kid safe. 

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Here’s stroller safety 101

1. Avoid Tip Over: Moms come prepared – aka those diaper bags are heavy. Our instinct is to hang it from the handlebars, but that’s a tip hazard. Instead, place it in your storage basket.

Pro tip: Use Mesh Storage Bags for extra (safe) storage on the sides of your stroller. 

2. Buckle your kiddo up (every time): It’s easy to skip as your kids get older, but it’s important to keep your kiddos buckled, even with a belly bar or snack tray.

3. Always use the brakesRegardless of if you’re on flat terrain or an incline, if you’re stopped, the brakes are on.

Pro tip: stroller wrist straps are great for hilly or high-traffic areas 

4. Strollers are designed for resting, not napping

5. Keep kiddos in shade as much as possibleZoe’s 4-panel canopy’s have UPF 50+ lining with multiple openings for airflow

Zoe strollers are Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) certified; here’s their outlined stroller safety best practices.